viernes, 31 de agosto de 2012

New Sales Reports on Google Play

[This post is by Debashish Chatterjee, Krishna Atkuru, and Ellie Powers of the Google Play Publisher Site team. —Dirk Dougherty]

For app publishers, complete and timely sales reporting is incredibly useful for managing a business on Google Play. Today we are introducing a new financial tool — Estimated Sales Reports — to give you visibility over ongoing product sales and help you support customers between payout cycles.

The new sales reports show you complete transaction details of recent sales and refunds for all products in your developer account, including both in-app products and paid apps. Each report is a cumulative for the current payout period, updated nightly with the details of recent transactions. As customers complete purchases and their accounts are charged (or refunds are applied), the new transaction details are appended to the Estimated Sales Report. Depending on account timezone differences, transactions appear on the estimated sales report within 2 days of completion. Finally, at the close of the monthly payout cycle, the current Estimated Sales Report is archived and a new report is created for the next cycle.

You can access current or past sales reports from the "Merchant Reports" section of the Developer Console. The Estimated Sales Reports are downloadable CSV (comma-separated values) files, so you can analyze the data using any tools you choose, in the same way as you've been doing for payout reports. The sales reports list the same details as payout reports — buyer and order, product, device information, amount, currency of sale, and more — except without final payment details. This makes it easier for you to reconcile recorded sales against your actual payouts. Estimated sales reports are available with data starting February 1, 2012.

We've also taken this opportunity to rename our existing "Merchant Sales Reports" to Monthly Payout Reports, to better reflect their content.

Together with the application statistics introduced last month, the Estimated Sales and Monthly Payout Reports give you a more complete view of your products' download and sales activity over time. We hope you'll find them useful. As always, please feel free to give us feedback through the Developer Help Center.

Join the discussion on
+Android Developers

miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012

IBM's 'Five in Five'

IBM has released a report outlining 'five innovations that will change our lives over the next five years.' The 'big five' concepts -- though not completely new -- are:

  • We will be able to access healthcare remotely, from just about anywhere in the world
  • Real-time speech translation-once a vision only in science fiction-will become the norm
  • There will be a 3-D Internet
  • Technologies the size of a few atoms will address areas of environmental importance
  • Our mobile phones will come close to reading our minds

martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

Mossberg Reviews the Palm Pre

Walt Mossberg does a great review of the Palm Pre today. If you're considering the device or just curious, you should read it here.

Couple highlights:

'But on June 6, Apple will get a powerful competitor in this category. It's a beautiful, innovative and versatile hand-held computer that's fully in the iPhone's class. It's called the Pre, and it comes from Palm, the company that pioneered the hand-held computer in the 1990s. I've been testing the Pre for a couple of weeks, and I like it a lot, despite some important drawbacks that will have to be remedied.'

'All in all, I believe the Pre is a smart, sophisticated product that will have particular appeal for those who want a physical keyboard. It is thoughtfully designed, works well and could give the iPhone and BlackBerry strong competition -- but only if it fixes its app store and can attract third-party developers.'

jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012

Baseball Superstars 2009

Baseball Superstars 2009 para Android, es un buen juego, por no decir el mejor, de beisbol que provado hasta ahora.

Es una mezcla entre juego de deporte y rol, ya que tienes que seleccionar tu puesto (pitcher o bateador) y según vayas jugando partidos podrás obtener puntos, subir de nivel y comprar accesorios para que tu personaje mejore.

Algunas características del juego:

  • Simulación completa de deportes de béisbol RPG
  • Crear y personalizar su lanzador y el bateador.
  • Compra de artículos y equipos.
  • Dirige a tu equipo y los jugadores.
  • Entrena a tus jugadores y mejorar sus habilidades
videochat porno

Imágenes del juego:

Para descargar el juego basta con escanear el siguiente código QR con Barcode Scanner o Bidi

lunes, 20 de agosto de 2012

1 Million Android-based G1's Sold

According to FierceWireless, T-Mobile USA has sold more than 1 million of its Android-based G1 devices during the past six months.

The figure was apparently 'buried' in Deutsche Telekom's earnings report. According to the German carrier's report, the G1 accounts for two-thirds of all of T-Mobile USA's 3G handset sales so far.

Initial sales of the G1 are certainly a lot smaller in comparison to Apple's iPhone. Apple sold around 3.7 million iPhones during the two full quarters after the device's launch in the summer of 2007. Keep in mind, however, that T-Mobile USA has less than half the number of subscribers than AT&T so on a relative basis, it's doing OK.

viernes, 10 de agosto de 2012

Introducing Google Play

[This post is by Kenneth Lui, Android Developer Ecosystem. —Dirk Dougherty]
For more than a year we've been focused on expanding the reach, content, and monetization opportunities of Android Market. We started by extending the store to users on the web and then went on to add books, movies, and music. The number of people who have visited, registered, and downloaded from the store has been amazing.

Today we're launching Google Play, an integrated destination for apps, books, movies, and music, accessible to users on Android devices and to anyone on the Web. As part of this launch, Google Play replaces and extends Android Market — users everywhere can now find their favorite apps and games in Google Play, with other digital content, all in one place.

We believe that with a strong brand, compelling offerings, and a seamless purchasing and consumption experience, Google Play will drive more traffic and revenue to the entire ecosystem.

We'll be investing in the brand to bring Google Play to as many people as possible, and we'll also invest in the latest digital content to keep Google Play fresh, relevant, and engaging. Apps and games remain the core of Google Play, so we'll continue investing in new ways to connect users with their favorite apps, and developers with new customers.

As we grow and promote Google Play around the world, we'll be marketing your apps and games at the same time. Our policies have not changed and our goal is still the same — to create a great, open marketplace for distributing Android apps.

Google Play is built on the same infrastructure as Android Market, so the transition for users and developers will be seamless. Users can sign into their existing accounts with the same credentials as before and purchase content using the same payment methods. As a developer, there's no change needed to your published products and you can continue to use the same publishing tools to put your app in front of hundreds of millions of Android users. If your app was in Android Market yesterday, it's in Google Play today.

We'll be rolling out Google Play to devices in a phased OTA update, starting today and continuing over the days to come. With the update, the Android Market app will upgrade to the Play Store app and the Music, Videos, and Books apps will upgrade to Play Music, Play Movies, and Play Books. This update is for devices running Android 2.2 or higher, and users on other devices will continue to have the same access to your apps as before.

You can start sending customers to your products in Google Play right away. Check out the updated "Get it on Google Play" badges and look for an email with more details on the transition. In the meantime, you can check out the Google Play web site at the link below and join the discussion on +Android Developers.

miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2012

En esta aplicación he intentado hacer las cosas fáciles y el resultado es doble por una parte una simple calculadora con las funciones básicas y por otra un sencillo conversor, con el precio oficial del Dólar $ y Euro € en la pantalla inferior, lo cual permite al usuario tener la información oficial, y permitiendo utilizar con facilidad por la calculadora, combinando Euros € o Dólares $. También

lunes, 6 de agosto de 2012

Nokia 5800 Picked up by Cincinnati Bell

Cincinnati Bell, the small regional telecom company, became the first U.S. carrier to sell the Nokia 5800 touchscreen smartphone. The phone had previously only been sold inside the United States at Nokia's flagship stores.

'The touch screen Nokia 5800 XpressMusic adds a new dimension to Cincinnati Bell's growing smartphone line up,' said Tim Bracken, director of consumer wireless for Cincinnati Bell. 'It truly is a modern entertainment device with advanced Web browsing, built-in GPS, picture messaging, and music capabilities that surpass expectations for a fresh everyday smartphone. Also, the Nokia 5800 is WiFi-enabled, which means customers can achieve some of the fastest data speeds available today.'

The phone will sell for $149 with a two-year service contract and after a $100 mail-in rebate. Nokia trumpeted the success of the phone worldwide, and announced in February that it had sold 1 million units in three weeks. However, the phone has not been picked up by any of the Tier 1 U.S. carriers.

sábado, 4 de agosto de 2012

Speed Anatomy

Speed Anatomy para Android es un divertido juego para aprender de forma amena y divertida anatomía.

El juego nos pondrá aprueba sobre cuanto sabemos sobre anatomía del cuerpo humano, para ello nos mostrará imágenes del cuerpo humano y tendremos que tocar sobre la parte del cuerpo que nos indica los más rápido y preciso posible.

Speed Anatomy dispone de 28 niveles de juego y 300 partes del cuerpo, para ver algunas partes pequeñas del cuerpo tendremos que utilizar una lupa.

Un entretenido juego para aprender anatomia o para pasar un buen rato descubriendo nuestro cuerpo. Algunas capturas del juego:

Para descargar el juego Speed Anatomy basta con escanear el siguiente código QR con  Barcode Scanner o Bidi

jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012

Descargar Notepad++ 6.0 gratuito

Notepad++ es un potente editor de texto y versátil programa para la edición de código fuente. En nuestro caso en particular lo utilizamos para la edición de texto como para algunos programas de desarrollo web, también es un excelente sustituto para el editor de texto del windows.
Notepad++ está desarrollado en C++ y basado en Scintilla un componente de edición muy potente, además de distribuirse como programa gratuito con una licencia GPL, brinda un amplio espectro de características que lo hacen un competidor aventajado para otros editores de código fuente, entre ellas se cuentan:

Despliegue de sintaxis compatible con los lenguajes: C, C++, Java, C#, XML, HTML, PHP, JavaScript, makefile, archivo ASCII art (extensión .nfo), doxygen, archivo ini, archivos por lotes, ASP, archivo de recursos RC, archivos de código fuente de VB/VBS, SQL, Objective-C, CSS, Pascal, Perl, Python y LUA.
Configuración de estilo personalizado: Para cada estilo en todos los lenguajes admitidos, el usuario puede cambiar el fondo o el color de primer plano, la fuente, el tamaño de fuente y el estilo de fuente (negrita o cursiva) a través del diálogo del configurador de estilo.
WYSIWYG: Puedes imprimir tu código a color.
Modo de sintaxis definido por el usuario: Le permite al usuario definir un lenguaje personalizado: palabras clave del resaltado de sintaxis, palabras clave del plegado de sintaxis, palabras claves de comentarios y los operadores.
Múltiples documentos.
Múltiples vistas: Puedes modificar el mismo programa o texto en dos vistas diferentes, actualizándose automáticamente la otra para los cambios en una de ellas.
Búsqueda de expresión regular implementada.
Función completa para arrastrar y soltar: Abrir un documento con arrastrar y soltar, También puedes mover el documento desde una posición, o una vista, a otra por arrastrar y soltar.
Posición dinámica de las vistas: Pondrás tus programas cómodamente en 2 vistas vertical u horizontal.
Detección automática del estado del archivo: Cuando modifiques o elimines algún archivo abierto anteriormente con Notepad ++, serás notificado para actualizar el documento automáticamente.
Zoom: Una función que seguro sabrás apreciar.
Marcador: Con un simple clic en el margen izquierdo el usuario podrá establecer un marcador,  pulsar CTRL + F2 para cambiar un marcador, para seguir los marcadores pulsar F2 (próximo marcador) y con  Shift + F2 (marcador anterior).
Implementa un ambiente de múltiples idiomas.

Descargas para Notepad++ gratis: